What does 2025 have in store for you.
Your entire future is mapped out in the sky by the planets.
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Part of you is motivated for social expression and attention to your happiness goals, dear Aries, but there are also prompts to find extra pleasure in spending time with yourself. On another day, you’re happy to do both, but today, these needs conflict, leaving you with a fear of missing out if you go in either direction. This minor dilemma aside, Uranus has just turned direct after almost five months of retrograde motion, renewing your spirit to innovate with business or money-making ideas. With this inventive planet waking up, you’re ready to make changes. It’s easier to find answers to recent dilemmas on these fronts, and you’re willing to fight for what you’re worth, if necessary. With the Sun in your solar eleventh house, a New Moon there two days ago, and the ruler of this sector now direct, there’s also vital and forward-looking energy with friendships, networking, happiness goals, dreams, and hopes. It’s a powerful time for collaboration. You’re capable of putting in tremendous effort to further your personal objectives.
Positivity is in the air, dear Taurus. Uranus has been a long-term guest in your sign and has just turned direct after nearly five months of retrograde motion. Your courage increases in the weeks ahead, and your independence becomes a more potent motivating force. This shift might also renew your motivation for work, or it could point to a moving-forward moment related to your life path or career goals. You’re especially aware of your obligations, work, and performance these days, and fortunately, things are smoothing out in these areas. Today, however, the Sun heads into minor clashes with Venus and Neptune in a sociable area of your solar chart, and you can feel divided. This feeling can put you in a state of indecision, or you could decide to give whatever you’re doing at the moment special attention and compartmentalize, which could save your good humor. Today’s Moon agrees with Venus and Neptune, encouraging a little more attention to your happiness goals.
Uranus has been a long-term guest in your privacy sector and has just turned direct, dear Gemini, after nearly five months of retrograde motion. This change of direction can make you feel more equipped to let go of negative attitudes and put the past behind you. It can serve to awaken unacknowledged feelings, desires, and needs. There can be progress related to projects, studies, or a long-term goal. The recent New Moon in the Uranus-ruled sector of your solar chart gives you another boost. You’re feeling more spirited and adventurous. Dreaming up and mapping out goals is something you enjoy doing these days, but today, you can feel a bit torn! On the one hand, duties call more insistently than usual, and on the other, you’re yearning for more life experience or a change of pace. While on most days you can compartmentalize these things well, today you’re more likely to feel divided. Aim for a compromise, and watch that you don’t make poor choices just because you’re temporarily not sure of yourself.
Your spirit for making friends renews with Uranus now past its retrograde cycle in your social sector, dear Cancer. If your connections have been unreliable, you’re now ready to fix things or make the best of your situation. Uranus can awaken your desire to make changes and progress. There can be unexpected revelations in your social circle or surprises related to your happiness goals this week. As well, Uranus rules your intimacy sector, and a matter of attachment or support can move forward and unblock, especially with a recent New Moon in this sector of your solar chart. Nevertheless, today’s energies temporarily leave you feeling divided or undecided. A good part of you is enjoying throwing yourself into a project or even a relationship these days, and the more absorbing, the better. However, another part of you is eager to learn or experience new things and uncomplicate your life. While you can make both things work in some manner on most days, it’s difficult to do so today. Overindulgence can be the result, perhaps as a means to self-soothe. Be on the lookout for this.
After nearly five months of retrograde motion, Uranus has just ended its retrograde cycle, dear Leo. In the weeks ahead, your spirit strengthens for partnerships and finding your unique path. Your ability to take personal and professional risks and leaps of faith improves. Career-related matters renew their spark in your life, and motivation levels increase. New beginnings, clarity, and improvement are in focus. Today, however, you can feel a little torn or divided, which can lead to a bit of restlessness or indecision, but it’s temporary. The Sun is currently transiting your partnership sector, which is one of the most companionable transits. It’s a time when you enjoy balancing give and take and tend to weigh the pros and cons. You’re inclined to want to keep the peace. Still, Venus and Neptune encourage finding pleasure in digging deeper into projects and relationships and would rather not keep up appearances if it means ignoring the more profound issues. With these bodies clashing, you can be giving off some mixed signals to others. The signals may be just as jumbled on the inside! However, the vague discontent you may feel as a result of all of this is temporary, and from it, you may very well discover new ideas or interests.
Uranus has just turned direct after nearly five months of retrograde motion, dear Virgo, and in the weeks ahead, you’re renewing your motivation to put your spiritual beliefs into action. Your general faith in life and the universe increases. It’s easier to make meaningful changes with this shift–you’re more courageous about learning and sharing as you advance. This change of direction also gives extra punch to your work, health, and routines, which is helpful with a New Moon energizing these matters just two days ago. Today, life has a way of complicating the little things, mainly by pitting your diverging interests against one another. In particular, your work and health goals can be difficult to achieve with relationships distracting you. You can experience some temporary indecision or a state of imbalance. Watch today for agreeing to something just to make a problem go away temporarily. It’s tempting, but keep in mind that you’re borrowing from your future.
The Moon spends the day in your work and health sector, encouraging you to take care of business, dear Libra. With Uranus now direct after almost five months of retrograde motion, problems with debts, loans, or financial support are more straightforward and comfortable to resolve. Forward movement on creative, money, intimacy, or romantic matters is likely after a retrograde period when delays may have been more frequent. You’re ready to share yourself, your feelings, and your ideas with others. Still, work and play often don’t mesh beautifully, but today, this is particularly the case. Indecision is possible, but it’s best to avoid a divided, distracted approach. Instead, aim to put your heart into one and then the other. Otherwise, you’re liable to waste not only time but energy and happiness. It can be difficult to say “no” to others and to things you want now, but this, too, will pass.
Uranus has just turned direct after almost five months of retrograde motion, dear Scorpio, bringing clarity or forward movement in a partnership and with family matters. While relationships can sometimes be up and down or difficult to predict, you might arrive at a better feeling that you can ride with the waves rather than fight them. Delays lift. There are solutions, outlets, or even breakthroughs occurring now that suggest steady forward motion. The Sun is currently transiting your solar fourth house, encouraging you to stick with familiar, comfortable faces and places. However, Venus and Neptune are singing entirely different tunes! Currently moving through your sector of joy, pleasure, romance, and creativity, they want you to release some of your inhibitions and share your light with others. While you can manage both rather well on other days, it can leave you divided or discontented in spots. Do your best to strike a compromise and save the bigger decisions for a more confident day.
Uranus has just turned direct after almost five months of retrograde motion, dear Sagittarius. This turnaround increases your confidence in bringing innovative ideas to your work or your health and wellness pursuits. It’s also strong for communication, learning, and connecting, especially with a New Moon in an area of your solar chart ruling these things just behind you. Expecting the unexpected when it comes to daily routines and schedules comes more easily now, while in recent months, you may have often felt the victim of chaotic schedules. It’s time to roll with the punches and make things work for you! Minor challenging aspects today can be a little troublesome, however, as they can emphasize diverging needs. The Sun is currently spotlighting your need to reach out, connect, and mingle. On the other hand, Venus and Neptune are traveling through your home and family sector, and some of your greatest pleasures are simple, comfortable, and familiar. As the Sun heads toward a clash with Venus and Neptune, you can be in a vague state of dissatisfaction. Do your best to divide your time well, which involves going all in with whatever you’re doing.
Uranus has just turned direct after almost five months of retrograde motion, dear Capricorn, helping free your heart and creativity. It’s also a positive shift for money matters since Uranus rules your solar second house of resources and belongings. You’re feeling more spirited and ready to free yourself from old patterns of relating. Creative and romantic pursuits, as well as business and financial issues, begin to move forward, and you’ll find it considerably more straightforward to make decisions along these lines now. Still, although you’re especially invested in your work, business, or the practical side of your life these days, minor clashing aspects involving the Sun suggest some discontent, although it’s temporary. While you’re paying strong attention to your resources and comfort levels, you’re also receiving real prompts that stir a real love of branching out, diversifying, trying on new ideas, learning, and connecting. On your better days, you can manage both, but today, you may feel a little divided. The tendency may be to overcompensate or overindulge, but do your best to find more creative ways to satisfy your varied needs.
Your planetary ruler, Uranus, is now direct after almost five months of retrograde motion, dear Aquarius. You’re blossoming now, refueling with confidence, particularly with a New Moon in your sign just behind you as well. With Uranus in your home and family sector, you can experience revelations, surprises, or new thinking revolving around home and family life. As this planet’s speed picks up in the coming weeks and months, you’re less inclined to feel that changes are happening to you and begin to feel more in charge of making needed changes yourself. Courage is building after a period of a bit of self-doubt or uncertainty. Even so, with minor challenging aspects, you could feel something missing or just a little off. And, with Venus and Neptune in your sector of comfort and security clashing with the Sun in your sign, you may be tempted to feed your discontent with things that you think make you happy. Watch for borrowing from your future today, not just with money but time and energy! Look for ways to enjoy yourself without overindulging, or if you need a treat, make it a moderate one, since judgment is not stellar under current transits.
After nearly five months of retrograde motion, Uranus has just turned direct, dear Pisces. This change of direction helps boost your confidence in your personal interests, communications, or studies. You’re opening up to new worlds and opportunities. It helps boost your confidence, decisiveness, and clarity, particularly related to studies, personal interests, making connections, and communications. There can be a renewed interest in projects, and you can feel more empowered to make needed changes in your life. The Moon spends the day in your sign, another clarifying transit that gives you a special window into your emotions. You are in demand and getting noticed, but this tends to conflict with today’s drives. You’re creative enough to make everything work, but watch for a tendency to appease and agree just so you can make a problem disappear, as it’s likely to be more than you bargained for.