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DAILY HOROSCOPE – Sunday 26 January

What does 2025 have in store for you.

Your entire future is mapped out in the sky by the planets.

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You can be motivated to move forward on something previously stuck or weighing down your spirit, dear Aries. Energies today are freeing! Business or money matters can also benefit from novel or fresh approaches. It should benefit you to keep your ear to the ground today, as you’re likely to gain inspiration for new ideas, dreams, and goals. Transits stir your imagination, helping you gain insight into life-path goals and projects. There can be imaginative exchanges and interesting daydreams now. Today is excellent for nurturing and enjoying your ambitious side. Rather than logical or rote thinking, it’s a better time for intuitive thinking and connecting through mental chemistry. Fresh energy is with you today, and it’s the kind that encourages you to let go of some of your inhibitions so that you can enjoy yourself more fully. It can be a time to improve situations, relationships, attitudes, and projects through a spirit of openness.


Today’s transits encourage engaging your imagination, dear Taurus. It helps smooth over some of the rougher edges of your life, and a soothing or inspiring conversation may be part of this. Discussions tend to lead in the right direction, even though they may not be particularly structured. Brainstorming or networking can lead to bright ideas or solutions to predicaments. Friendly relationships or an enjoyable pursuit can be themes. Cultivating relationships can be as simple as trying something new together or sharing a dream. There can be a fun element of surprise to the day. Your spirit of openness, adventure, and progress puts you in a good mood–and in good favor with others. You can come up with inventive new ideas, dreams, wishes, plans, and possibilities. You are attracted to new-fangled or improved pleasures, pastimes, and situations.


It’s a good time to listen generously and allow conversations to flow, dear Gemini, with your ruler, Mercury, in harmony with Neptune. You’re comfortable in your own skin, and your ease entices your imagination to emerge in supportive ways. Patience is rewarding now! Dreams of an exciting direction can inspire you. You might solve a problem intuitively, and self-expression comes naturally. As you relax and get comfortable, you come to valuable conclusions. There may be an absorbing mystery to solve or a revealing conversation to enjoy. A Venus-Uranus aspect also in play today encourages you to let go of heavy energies, and it can put you in a buoyant mood. Venus benefits your professional or public life these days, and its connection with Uranus can boost you, particularly in the eyes of the public or higher-ups. An opportunity to draw upon your inner wisdom to solve a problem can emerge.


You’re in perfect shape for gaining some perspective today, dear Cancer, as transits inspire imaginative conversations. You could find that the details are less relevant than the overall meaning under today’s transits. Your interactions are likely comforting and possibly healing, or they are a little off the beaten track, rousing your curiosity. Efforts toward making peace and accepting one another can be in focus and successful. Energies today are great for creative pursuits of all kinds, especially since your sense of harmony and balance is so strong. Fortunately, people around you seem willing to move past problems. Experimenting with ideas can bring you opportunities, and so can networking. It’s a good idea to do a bit of mingling if it doesn’t already come naturally to you today. Learning, sharing, promoting, and publishing can be in good form. A new or improved connection is possible.


Today’s energies are strong for relaxing your mind, although it doesn’t mean you need to be idle, dear Leo. This is instead about avoiding the tendency to overthink things. You might keep yourself busy doing something soothing you genuinely enjoy–a form of meditation in motion. You can resolve a tricky emotional problem or situation under a mind-expanding Mercury-Neptune transit. Conversations are accepting but also stirring; intuition can lead you to the right information. Intimate relationships can thrive. Good energy is with you for letting your imagination take you to inspiring places. Your ability to make anyone feel interesting is even stronger than usual today. Freedom from an obligation can figure strongly today, or discovering a new way to approach a nagging problem is exciting. With Venus and Uranus harmonizing, you’re in a good position to improve a relationship or to have a social breakthrough. There can be a happy, intimate connection, a financial advance, or a workplace improvement that puts you in a fine mood now. New attitudes come naturally. Take advantage of this to overcome frustration or insecurity and try something new.


Today’s transits inspire your imagination, dear Virgo, and excite your curiosity. You possess more than usual psychic energy and personal magnetism. It’s a time of feelings of ease or acceptance of current circumstances, and it’s freeing! You might have a mind-opening experience as you entertain unusual and different perspectives. Or, you can come to a helpful new view of a matter that once puzzled you. Understanding and compassion are the best ways to open doors right now. You can expect agreements and negotiations to be favorable now, and you’re in an excellent position to let go of stress and negative emotions. Playing with ideas and possibilities feels right–it’s easier to relax your thinking and let your imagination go. Taking a partner’s viewpoint into account can be especially rewarding. There can be a spirit of growth, progress, or advancement in a relationship or concerning your feelings about your relationship status. It’s a promising time to consult with someone special or brainstorm to come up with inspiring ideas.


You’re well-positioned to bring a positive, progressive approach to practical matters today, dear Libra, which benefits you. As you pursue your work or daily tasks, social opportunities or positive vibes emerge. Solutions to problems are unlikely to be traditional ones right now, or they don’t come about in the usual way, so it makes sense to keep your mind open to possibilities. With today’s transits, energies are good for daydreams and detours from the usual routine. You’re applying wisdom and past experiences to a current problem. You might want to wrap your mind around a mystery or another mental activity that is both enjoyable and absorbing. Opening up and discussing matters comes more naturally with the atmosphere today, as there is little or no pressure to be precise. Communications or news shared today can inspire you with new ideas, or you might decide to connect with a loved one and share something special. You’re in good shape to see a new side of a situation, and it’s pleasantly revealing!


With today’s creative transits, dear Scorpio, an alternative look at a situation can be fascinating and revealing. You may want to pull yourself away from the details of a particular situation or problem and let your intuition work for you. Fortunately, your words and ideas are received well. It’s a good day for romantic gestures, particularly of the verbal kind, and expressions of love or affection. Conversations can be uplifting, and fantasies or musings are positive, lighting up your mind and opening new possibilities. Today’s energies also support feeling fresher, more confident, and hopeful. Others are unlikely to turn you, or your plans, down. There is a cheerful spirit of growth to the day, and it becomes you! Others gravitate to your quirkier, more unique qualities, which you’re happy to share, or you’re drawing unusual people to you. You can turn around almost any problem or boring situation with a fresh and fun approach. A surprise invite is also possible.


Today’s transits highlight imaginative thoughts or discussions, dear Sagittarius. It’s a time of inspiration to create and maintain more peace and compassion in your personal life. A Mercury-Neptune transit is gentle and supportive, encouraging you to look at situations in different, more forgiving, and happier ways. Still, a Venus-Uranus transit also in play opens you up to change. Engaging conversations can figure strongly, particularly with or about family, or they might relate to home or domestic matters. Your intuition for money or business is excellent, and money-making ideas can be golden now. Your mind is open to new ways of getting along and enjoying yourself. On the home front, you can be in the mood to change things up. There can be a fun element of surprise to your experiences today.


You can be quite inspired by ideas or communicating in rewarding ways today, dear Capricorn. Today’s transits favor making extra room for imagination and wonder. Stepping back from problems enables you to see situations in a new way. You’re picking up on the hidden layers of a matter. Working with others towards a common goal can be very useful, and it’s easy to smooth over differences if needed. Instead, you might pick up where you left off with someone you care about today. Reaching out, even in little ways, can be rewarding. Your powers to subtly persuade and influence are especially strong today, and your communications, interactions, the news, or studies can be uplifting. Pleasant and perhaps even breakthrough energy is with you for romantic matters, learning, sharing, and connecting in general. You feel freer and more spontaneous than usual.


Today’s transits encourage you to take a break from overanalyzing or overthinking, dear Aquarius. Letting go of tension and allowing your imagination to engage is easier than usual. You might enjoy some quality time to yourself, dreaming up plans and playing with ideas. Still, conversations can help inspire you and stimulate your objectivity as you come to a more comfortable perspective on a situation. You’re in great shape for dreaming up plans. The trick is to avoid investing too much in the details or the destination so that you can genuinely enjoy the process. This can also be a pleasant day for home improvement, comforts, pleasures, and discovering new interests. You’re a little more daring and willing to experiment, particularly with the practical, business, and financial affairs that can benefit from a fresh perspective. With openness to new ways of doing the routine, you can have some fun and make progress today.


Neptune in your sign harmonizes with Mercury today, dear Pisces, creating the perfect atmosphere for using your imagination and accessing your intuition. Dreams and fantasies can be nice conversation points, and you may learn something valuable by exchanging ideas. Your words can inspire others. There can also be inspiration to find in what others are saying. You can make a meaningful connection with a friend, and interacting, sharing, and accepting feels good. More than usual, you’re seeking satisfaction and comfort from your social life, and today’s atmosphere is refreshing. Your powers of attraction are particularly favorable through your communications as a Venus-Uranus aspect helps you enjoy yourself by detaching you just enough from your concerns. It makes it a potentially excellent day for personal plans and personal appeal.

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