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DAILY HOROSCOPE – Thursday 23 January

What does 2025 have in store for you.

Your entire future is mapped out in the sky by the planets.

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Today’s Mercury-Mars opposition can ruffle a few feathers, dear Aries, especially with Mars still retrograde. Disruptions are pretty likely, and tensions can rather swiftly lead to disagreements. Watch how you express yourself if you feel stressed, as this aspect can lead to rash commentary or actions. With mutual respect and a bit of detachment, however, you can stumble upon new methods and approaches that will truly benefit you now and later. Still, the opposition can stir up matters related to work, responsibilities, family, or your domestic world. It can be challenging to enjoy yourself with imbalances glaring at you, but it’s possible that things need to reach a boiling point to recognize the need for changes! Through conflicts or frustrations today, you might identify ways in which you’ve limited your progress without even knowing it.


It’s best to aim to keep your perspective today, dear Taurus, as you can find yourself fretting over delays and technical problems. Disagreements can take on more prominence. Mercury and retrograde Mars oppose one another across your communications and transportation sectors today, stirring tensions, impatience, and impulsiveness, particularly concerning communications and commuting. It can be tempting to jump to communicate or act, but observing what comes to the surface may be best before moving forward. Still, with some patience and a lot of ingenuity, you can expertly work out a problem from the inside out. Consider that problems today tend to come from not keeping pace and feeling out of sync. Frustrations with errands, paperwork, and other daily life activities can figure strongly now. Fortunately, some of the conflicts or clashes that emerge today can lead to a new way of looking at things, and something new and fresh can result.


With today’s inflamed Mercury-Mars opposition, dear Gemini, there can be some defensiveness and tension surrounding recent problem areas in your life. These can most revolve around money and possessions or matters of value, talent, and respect. News or tensions about a financial issue could temporarily throw you off center, or frustrations can be about power dynamics, sharing, and intimacy. Someone may be giving too much and getting too little in return. Watch for sharp words that you might later regret, as well as impatience in general. With Mars retrograde, a complicated or buried frustration can come to a head. Tempers may flare, and clearing the decks can be worthwhile if you do so mindfully. If you can arrive at a point where you celebrate your differences with others rather than harp on them, you’re in the sweet spot today. There is, in fact, much to learn through conflict or feelings of being stuck.


Today’s Mercury-Mars opposition can stir up some disagreements, dear Cancer. There may be frustrations dealing with others, particularly about matters of opinion and freedom, which can put you in the position where you feel you must defend yourself. You’re in the best shape today if you keep some emotional distance, although if something needs airing, then perhaps now can be the time for it to emerge. Ideally, you get into the frame of mind where you enjoy the differences rather than allow them to work you up. Mars is currently in your sign and retrograde, making this a rather personal transit! A significant other may be critical or nitpicky with you. Alternatively, you may feel nagged or dogged to communicate about something for which you don’t yet have an answer. If you pay attention to your reactions to frustrations, you might notice self-destructive behaviors or unresolved issues that you might want to unpack in the future.


Pressures might force an issue today as Mercury and Mars form an opposition and bring a matter of tension or frustration to a head, dear Leo, particularly about work, responsibilities, and service. Certain people may want things to happen stat. While conversations can open up important topics, recent tensions or overthinking can implode, and a turning point is now necessary. With Mars still retrograde receiving a riling up transit from Mercury, it’s all too easy to become all wound up. Impulsive speech and actions may be cause for regret, making it better to keep things as steady as possible. Even so, what’s emerging may need your attention–it just requires some patience. Ideally, you get yourself into a headspace where you enjoy others without all the drama and disagreement, helped by Uranus transits. As you are likely to feel especially sensitive to imbalances of power today, it’s best to be more mindful of situations that are potentially very tricky or competitive. If you push too hard, you seem to lose out. When tensions subside, you might think up strategies for reducing stress or dealing with problem areas so that they don’t fester. Your independent spirit comes full bloom.


Mercury opposes retrograde Mars today, dear Virgo, and frustrated anger can emerge through your words. You could instead be on the receiving end, and frustrations come through the communications of someone important to you. It can be unsettling or nerve-wracking, but it might also help clear the air! Nevertheless, conversations can be hasty and rough around the edges. Watch for some combativeness and arguments about what was buried in the past. Matters of time, energy, and opinion can flame up. Both Mercury and Mars harmonize with Uranus in your spirit sector, helping you find ways to detach and focus on what’s in your best interests. You might see brand-new ways to approach old, lingering, frustrating problems through today’s conflicts and tensions. Do watch for conversations that are hasty and rough around the edges for the best results. Learning from differences may work to your advantage, and the same goes for an obstacle or delay.


You might want to watch for abruptness today, dear Libra, but explore coming out of your shell. Today’s energies are mixed and complex. Tensions can run high, mainly related to career or responsibilities. It can be all too tempting to say or do something out of character. While you might learn where you stand with others now, the picture isn’t entirely complete because of a tendency for everyone to take things too personally. Mercury opposes retrograde Mars, and you should watch for getting too worked up over little things. This transit can be quite raw, and while you may benefit from matters reaching a head, impulsive moves may not be wise. You can find it challenging to stay in the here and now, possibly because people around you are nervous or too focused on right and wrong. Healthy dialogue may not be easy now. Still, both bodies harmonize with Uranus, and through conflicts and frustrations, you could learn much, which is liberating. Saving an important conversation for an easier time may be best. Ideally, you regain your enthusiasm for your ideas and devise strategies to reduce stress.


Tensions can reach a boiling point today, dear Scorpio, as Mercury and retrograde Mars form an opposition. You could feel overburdened, and others may not give you the support or feedback you feel you need. While there can be too much emphasis on what people think is right or wrong at times today, you’ll ultimately desire to move on from this and grow. Besides, new ideas can emerge from this tension! Aim to center yourself so that you’ll be able to avoid hasty words and decisions since nervous energy is likely, and it’s all too easy to disagree or stress over a difference of opinion. Some problems you face now can be lingering, old ones that keep resurfacing, or they’re technically based. Ideally, you get into the frame of mind where you can detach yourself enough to focus on what excites and motivates you. Delays getting from point A to point B or mixed up schedules can especially grate on your nerves. With concentration and desire, you can lift yourself above these things and focus on the bigger picture.


Today’s Mercury-Mars opposition is edgy, dear Sagittarius, or at least keeps you on edge! There can be a tendency to nitpick, argue, and disagree. Money tensions can emerge, but it’s best not to jump into action until you’ve sorted things out. Action planet Mars is still retrograde, after all. There’s likely more to any story surfacing today. If you’ve felt frustrated about money, respect, or ownership matters, tensions can reach a head. Buried resentment can emerge with retrograde Mars in your intimacy sector triggered. Even though this transit can be disruptive, it can also help you unpack problem areas and start the process of dealing with them. Issues of respect, priorities, sharing, and intimacy can be on the table, but as much as you want to express your frustrations, the words may not come out well. You might decide to focus on refreshing and rejuvenating yourself, and channels may very well open up for you to do so. As you do, you might begin to notice and even embrace differences, allowing one another to think and express themselves as they please.


Recent worries or frustrations can take their toll or reach a head now, dear Capricorn. Today’s Mercury-Mars opposition can stir up tension or bring up buried matter. It’s difficult not to take things very personally with Mercury in your sign and retrograde Mars directly opposite it. Others can really push your buttons now! You could feel like someone is trying to overrule you, and you can be irritated if you feel left without a say on a matter. For best results, try not to jump to conclusions or jump to express yourself if you’re already feeling angry or tense. Fortunately, you can readily discover new approaches, methods, and diversions to make everything a little more productive today. If you need a retreat or the comfort of familiar surroundings, seeking this out has its own special rewards. You’re willing to appreciate and perhaps flaunt your differences rather than argue over them. Give off good vibes and allow things and people to come to you, but do be careful with your communications.


Challenging energies come from today’s Mercury-Mars opposition, dear Aquarius, but both bodies are harmonizing with your ruler, Uranus, and you’re making the most of it. This opposition can be rough around the edges and can have a disruptive way of bringing buried frustrations to the surface. Even so, it’s one way of getting things on the table. There can be looming deadlines, health concerns, or scheduling issues to manage. An accelerated pace or a big rush can figure strongly, and it’s best to avoid communicating or deciding something too quickly while under pressure. Worries about the things you haven’t done can be at the root of tensions since Mars is retrograde and under pressure. This can instead be a time of feeling scattered and unfocused and at a loss as to where to begin. If you’ve recently felt undervalued, particularly with your work, daily chores, contributions, or the “unseen” things you do, this can reach a boiling point. Fortunately, you can find ways to keep some space or independence.


Today’s Mercury-Mars opposition can pull up buried frustrations if you have them, dear Pisces, especially in your social life or with projects that don’t seem to be moving at the speed you’d like. Sharp words or disagreements are possible as a result. Tensions can mount, particularly if things are not going as planned or you’re dealing with technical issues. You could get totally fired up over an issue that on another day you’d simply overlook or rise above. It can be too easy to fly off the handle. However, if you handle the pressure well, conflicts can motivate you to make essential changes and adjustments. Once released, the mental tension of the day can, in fact, result in important epiphanies and useful new approaches and methods. At the very least, it can alert you to the need to reduce stress levels or address issues more promptly as they arise. Ideally, you can re-energize a special project.

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