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DAILY HOROSCOPE – Tuesday 21 January

What does 2025 have in store for you.

Your entire future is mapped out in the sky by the planets.

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The Sun and Pluto have their yearly meeting in your solar eleventh house today, dear Aries. For many years, this alignment occurred in your career and reputation sector, but it’s now happening in your sector of friends, dreams, and happiness goals. This transit can illuminate difficulties with friends or complicated emotions about your social life, but what’s revealed to you now can motivate you to make connections, start fresh, or make repairs. It offers you a candid glimpse into problem areas, and it’s up to you whether you use this energy to fixate or to fix! With Pluto active, it’s a good idea to watch for (and resist) urges to try to maneuver situations or people to work in your favor. The better way to use the powerful energy of this duo is to work on making changes and improvements to your relationships that serve both you and others well. This influence can work on a different level, stirring up a need to eliminate some of the less meaningful projects or distractions from your life. If your networks frequently rile you up, for example, this transit can remind you of a need for a detox.


The Sun and Pluto come together for their annual meeting, dear Taurus, and this year, this alignment occurs at the top of your solar chart. Intense feelings, and perhaps also fears, can come to light today, and for you, these may revolve around your career or reputation. There can be concern about the image you’re projecting, but out of it, the determination to take more control. It can be the time of a serious focus on your achievements and ambitions, as well as the motivation for important resolutions regarding changes that help you feel you’re acknowledging your deepest aspirations and goals. If you need to reinvent yourself on a professional or reputation level, this is the time to consider strategies to do so. Do also consider reducing activities that keep you from excelling at your work or from reaching your goals. Letting go of wasteful or outdated endeavors can be challenging, but it may very well be what you need to succeed.


With today’s Sun-Pluto conjunction, you’re learning that clinging too tightly to your ideas can limit your growth, dear Gemini. Freeing yourself from limiting attitudes is a process that’s unfolding a little at a time for you, and it’s empowering. Even so, you may need to work through tension and fear to get to this place. Fears tend to relate to the road ahead, long-term plans, skills, knowledge, and faith in your future with this yearly alignment now occurring in your solar ninth house. This transit asks you to transform and grow through your beliefs, ideas, and attitudes. Someone or something may be challenging how you see things, and it’s up to you to either resist or grow through the experience. Watch for people who are power-tripping today, but also for the tendency to try to control others, connecting instead to your determination to live a more powerful, engaging life.


With the Sun and Pluto joining forces in your solar eighth house today, dear Cancer, you may benefit significantly from in-depth research, investigating, or digging. Or, there can be an important epiphany about a relationship or your inner motivations. It’s a time to recognize your deeper desires and ambitions, although you can also come face to face with some of your fears, which can be revealing. This transit tends to illuminate some of your deeper desires and fears. Questions of trust may push to the surface, and self-honesty is especially important. Through events, meetings, and memories, you’re learning a little bit about your attachments or dependencies, and if you’re not in touch with some of your deeper feelings triggered today, there can be considerable tension. This aspect can alternatively work on a different level, producing a wonderful atmosphere for intense study or focus and concentration.


The Sun and Pluto have their annual meeting in your solar seventh house, dear Leo. While Pluto has transitioned into this area of your solar chart, this is the first time (of many) the Sun and Pluto join forces here. Relationships or feelings about someone can be intense today, and your interactions may very well show you sides of your own nature that are not entirely flattering. However, if you’re honest with yourself and brave about facing your fears, you can learn a lot about yourself through the events and emotions of the day. Be sure that you don’t deny your role in complicated interplays. Instead, consider all angles. It can be all too easy to see in others what you are trying to avoid knowing about yourself. On a different level, you could take a relationship to a new level or make important discoveries about your relationships and relationship needs now. Today is powerful for letting go of behaviors, particularly over-attachment, that have been holding you back from achieving your goals.


The Sun and Pluto meet in your work and health sector today, dear Virgo. This alignment shines a light on some of your deeper ambitions, fears, and anxieties, primarily related to your health, daily routines, work, chores, and service. As such, this week can be a great time to resolve a complicated matter or rework something inside out or from top to bottom. Even so, it’s easy to get worked up over a problem before getting to this place of empowerment–knowing when to let go is essential. With some self-honesty, this can be an excellent time for seeing areas of your life that require pruning so that you can move forward, grow, and reach your goals. You have a stronger ability to focus (perhaps even obsess!) and gain tremendous insight into your life today. Aim to tap into your deeper ambitions.


Today’s Sun-Pluto alignment connects you with your deeper drives, dear Libra. If you’ve struggled with whether you sincerely care for–or have entirely gotten over–a situation or person, the Sun might now illuminate your deeper feelings, desires, and fears. Whether it’s recognition for your uniqueness or attention from a love interest, the desire can be hard to deny, and you may feel wanting. You could be dealing with resentment or jealousy. If so, aim to face your feelings and consider ways to improve your life now that you’re more in touch. For instance, you might use powerful emotions to drive creative work, a new purpose, or a commitment. At the same time, reducing or eliminating unhealthy attachments can be a worthwhile goal under the influence of this transit.


The Sun and Pluto align in your solar fourth house today, dear Scorpio. This yearly alignment has occurred in a different sector of your solar chart for many years, but it’s now impacting your sense of comfort, home, and domestic world. With this transit, you can more clearly recognize areas of your life that need a serious update or reboot. It’s a good time to focus on what needs to be left behind or upgraded and transformed. Pluto energy prefers to improve what you already have! You can channel your energies successfully into a home-related pursuit, for example. This transit can also illuminate areas of resentment or overattachment. With extra insight or self-awareness, it’s easier to solve problems. You might see desires or resentments that were buried, particularly related to your personal life, family, and home matters.


The Sun and Pluto have their yearly meeting today, dear Sagittarius, and for the first time, it happens in your solar third house. It offers you the chance to recognize your deeper ambitions and fears. Of course, this can be a bit disruptive or uncomfortable but serves you well if you work with it to grow and improve through this turning of the lights on in your life. This powerful duo in your communications sector makes your communications particularly impactful now, or there can be a new development, memory, or concern related to a project or pursuit. The motivation to firm up vulnerable areas or to work on fixes can result. You might get particularly caught up with a specific idea or subject now. Taken too far, you could become fixated on a topic to the point that other areas of your life suffer. If something has to go, whether it’s a frivolous activity that interferes with your productivity or an attitude that keeps you in a negative frame of mind, this is the time to work on putting it behind you. It can also be an excellent time to come up with a plan to improve your studies and communications.


With today’s Sun-Pluto alignment, you could be focusing on your attachments, dear Capricorn. This powerful duo can stir deep and strong feelings about your boundaries, income, and values. This is the first time in many years that this yearly meeting of the Sun and Pluto isn’t happening in your sign–it’s now occurring in your solar second house of money, belongings, comfort, and self-worth. If you’re fearful or worried about security or financial matters, you can be particularly sensitive about these things now. This alignment can heighten your awareness of your deeper ambitions and fears, especially about your earning power, feelings of self-worth, money matters, and security. This is an excellent time for creating strategies to spend and save more effectively, primarily related to reducing or eliminating redundancies in Pluto style. If you’ve grown overly attached to certain stagnant situations or excess clutter, then you may work on freeing yourself of these dead weights.


For years, the Sun and Pluto have aligned yearly in your solar twelfth house, dear Aquarius. Today is the first time this duo joins in your sign, and this transit stirs your instincts to grow, improve, and change. There is an intensity to the day that you can use to your advantage, but watch for a tendency to dwell on problems. You are in an excellent place to get your affairs in order. This Sun-Pluto alignment shines a light on personal ambitions and fears, which can be slightly uncomfortable if you’ve been out of touch with them but also highly revealing. Acknowledge your deeper needs, wants, and desires, but then develop a plan to achieve those that are healthy and empowering. Seek to let go of a need to control things that truly cannot be controlled, and instead focus on the things you can master. You may very well discover that the best way to gain an edge is to work on controlling your reactions and attitudes rather than fixating on things outside of yourself.


The Sun and Pluto meet in your solar twelfth house, dear Pisces, turning your attention to your more deeply buried feelings, fears, and ambitions. Those things that leave you feeling insecure or guilt-ridden need to go, but first, you need to identify them and their source! This Sun-Pluto influence helps you see the attitudes or situations in your life that may have driven self-destructive behavior or are at the root of feelings of powerlessness. A bit of discomfort now can motivate you to grow and improve, fueling the determination to rid yourself of problem areas. It’s a potentially beautiful time for self-understanding and awareness that is eye-opening and even life-changing. This is the first time that this yearly alignment occurs in your privacy sector after many years of it happening in your sector of friends. It’s a powerful time to renovate on emotional levels.

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