What does 2025 have in store for you.
Your entire future is mapped out in the sky by the planets.
Contact the accredited and qualified Astrologer Pundit Roshan Singh. If you reside in Gauteng you may arrange for a personal consultation which is advisable or email your name, date, place and time of birth to : punditji@punditroshan.co.za if you reside elsewhere.
Venus has just begun its transit of your sign, dear Aries, and will stay in Aries longer than usual – until March 27th, and then from April 30th to June 6th. You are more courageous in love during this cycle, but you’re also attracting people to you. Venus rules partnership and money in your solar chart, and these things tend to work in your favor during this cycle, although next month, when Venus is retrograde, you’re likely to redo or reassess current projects and connections. For now, you’ll find it natural to seek pleasure and affection and feel more deserving of it. You are also very affectionate and expressive; decisions regarding love and money come organically. The more likable, charming, and finer qualities of your personality shine during this cycle. You’re also bound to find it easier to express your needs and affections. Positive attention and appreciation are especially forthcoming.
Venus has just begun its transit of your privacy sector, dear Taurus, and will spend more time there than usual due to an upcoming retrograde. The first part of this transit will last until March 27th. During this cycle, there is a private, quiet, or sacrificing element to your love life. Alternatively, this can be a time for laying low, generally speaking, and enjoying more time to yourself. Getting extra rest can flatter you. You may be supporting someone or getting help from others behind the scenes. There can be a reassessment of a relationship during this period or some spiritual longing and attachment to the past or a complicated setup. The Moon is in your sign all day today, however, and your needs are in the spotlight. You’re in need of some “me time.” While love matters or affections may seem more complicated now, they can also be more rewarding as you get in touch with your innermost desires and longings. You’re in the position to determine which changes you should make to improve your enjoyment of life.
Venus has just begun its transit of your friendship and ideals sector, dear Gemini, and will spend quite some time there. This is the first of two visits due to an upcoming retrograde, and this part of its journey lasts until March 27th. There’s more grace in your social circle, as well as enjoyment and pleasure during this pleasant cycle. Camaraderie is of particular importance in your love life now. This transit subtly improves your social life and your appeal as a friend or colleague. You’re more approachable and companionable. You get along better with the team, or you might share some of your talents or expertise with associates with excellent results. Your tastes are for the new, unusual, or unique. You’re especially focused on equality and positive energy in your love relationships, and you’re inclined to seek out different or unusual pastimes and pleasures. Friends are more supportive or can help connect you with opportunities. Even so, today’s Moon in your privacy sector suggests a need to keep things on the down low while you recoup some energy.
Venus has just begun its transit of your reputation and responsibility sector, dear Cancer, and will spend quite some time there –until March 27th and then from April 30th to June 6th — some of this time in retrograde motion. For now, you’re bringing more creativity, grace, and charm to your work. There can be increased opportunities to socialize or network through your business or career. Important business relationships may develop during these periods, and, in some cases, enhanced relationships with a parent, boss, or superior can figure strongly. You are charming, helpful, and attractive, if a little distant emotionally. There can be increased ambition on a social level. People more readily recognize your artistry, taste, or creativity. Today, you’re craving lightness and easy rapport.
Venus has just begun its transit of your solar ninth house, dear Leo, and will spend more time than usual here: from now until March 27th, part of the time retrograde, and then from April 30th to June 6th. Your ideals in love are set high during this cycle. You might become inspired by a loved one now, or someone might awaken a new perspective or way of thinking in you. This transit brings desired situations and people to you. You are braver regarding your taste and willingness to experiment and diversify. Sharing ideas and beliefs is fun, rewarding, and even relationship-enhancing. You could also enjoy a trip or a new adventure of sorts. In fact, you are attracted to anything that is non-routine. The Moon is at the top of your solar chart today, however, and you’re more emotionally invested in your performance and duties.
Venus has just moved into a private, deep, and intimate sector of your chart, dear Virgo, and will spend quite some time here going forward. This transit can pull up complicated feelings and stimulate a need to share some of your deeper feelings with someone special. Shared resources and finances can get a nice boost during this cycle. There is easygoing energy available to you regarding the more intricate, complex, and tangled side of relationships. You see the darker, deeper side of your own nature in a better light. Attracting resources from outside sources comes more easily. It’s a good time to work out money problems with a partner. It’s a more introspective period for love and relationships, and perhaps also money matters. You tend to feel more deeply and linger or dwell on relationship matters during this cycle. The first part of this transit lasts until March 27th, but Venus will return later, from April 30th to June 6th. Today, however, the Moon is in your spirit sector, encouraging you to look outside yourself for emotional nourishment.
With Venus now transiting your partnership sector for an extended stay, dear Libra, love relationships and pleasurable matters come into the foreground in your life. Partnerships are favored, and there’s easier energy in your life for relationships in general. It may not be the time to tackle deep issues, but it is a good period for pleasant interactions. Making agreements and compromises may be beneficial now. You are adaptable with your affections during this cycle and more companionable, even more than usual. You may be drawing helpful, charming, or pleasant people into your life. Venus, your ruler, will stay in this area of your solar chart until March 27th, but due to an upcoming retrograde, will retreat and then return from April 30th to June 6th. While you’ve been valuing light, easygoing connections these days, today’s Moon stimulates a desire for a more profound attachment.
Venus has just begun its transit of your work and health sector, dear Scorpio, and will be there for an extended stay. It’s a cycle for seeking more harmony and pleasure in your daily routines and working life. There can be social or romantic opportunities through your job or the pursuit of your duties, health, and wellness. There can be a practical, unequal, or service theme to your love relationships now. Work is too often viewed as drudgery, and Venus here helps to restore a feeling of joy in doing your part. Venus will turn retrograde next month, prompting a redo or reassessment of relationships, work, or health. For now, you can take pleasure in sorting out problems, working, and getting organized. This transit happens in two parts: from today until March 27th, and then from April 30th to June 6th. The Moon moves through your partnership zone today, stimulating a need for companionship.
Venus has just moved into your romance and pleasure sector for an extended stay, dear Sagittarius, enhancing your charm and attractiveness. You express a playful, deserving, and confident energy that draws others in. There is also good energy for awakening your inner artist and for exploring fun interests and hobbies. While Venus is retrograde here next month, you may be rediscovering old interests or even relationships. This Venus transit brings with it a sweet release from normal pressures. People are more likely to see your finer and kinder qualities. You have a stronger sense of the dramatic and are more inclined to throw yourself into activities you love. This transit will last until March 27th but will return from April 30th to June 6th. While you’ve been mainly focused on personal interests these days, you have an emotional need to get down to business today.
Venus has just moved into your sector of heart and home for an extended stay, dear Capricorn. The first part of this transit lasts until March 27th, but due to an upcoming retrograde, it will recur from April 30th to June 6th. During these cycles, your love of home, familiarity, comfort, and security increases. Home improvement and harmony are in focus and potential goals now. You’re not particularly adventurous with your feelings during this cycle, but it’s an excellent time for getting extra rest, settling in, and learning about yourself and emotional needs. You might get the chance to make peace at home or with family. Good energy is with you for bringing more beauty or artistry to your home environment. Build your confidence now and save pushing your boundaries in the next Venus cycle. Even so, today’s Moon encourages more spirited living just for now. Playing it safe is important these days, but on an emotional level today, you may be craving a little more.
Venus is now a guest in your communications sector, dear Aquarius, and while this transit typically lasts just under a month, this cycle will last considerably longer: from now until March 27th, and then from April 30th to June 6th. You are inclined to communicate more cheerfully and tactfully during this cycle, and your love of socializing and need for verbal rapport in your relationships are highlighted. You enjoy talking about what interests you, and you see great value in the exchange of ideas. There could be some good publicity or news, invitations, and increased ease in your social life during this cycle. This transit encourages warm connections and communications, as well as more enjoyment of (and benefits from) personal interests and studies or transportation. It’s a good time for upgrading communications equipment, including phones, devices, and even vehicles, or for finding new ways to make commuting and connecting more accessible and more pleasurable. Communications flow more smoothly or warmly. Mind you, some of the projects you begin in the coming weeks may need some review when Venus is retrograde here starting at the beginning of March. Today, you tend to seek out familiar settings and people.
Venus has just begun a transit of your resources sector, dear Pisces. This Venus cycle will last longer than usual and comprise two parts: until March 27th and then from April 30th to June 6th. You crave some stability and predictability in your relationships and emotional life during these cycles. You also tend to focus on building upon your current resources and padding your life in ways that help you feel more secure and comfortable. You’re attracted to things that have potential to last a long time. There can be gifts or pay increases. It’s a good time for getting comfortable and engaging in some form of self-pampering. This cycle is a steady, practical, but also slightly indulgent one. Generally speaking, you’re in a more introspective stage these days, but today’s energies stir your curiosity and encourage increased interaction with others.