What is a car puja? Simply put, it is a ceremony when a newly acquired car is blessed to keep it safe from bad influences like untimely accidents or injury to the occupants.

Hindus bless all items and implements that are used in daily life—homes, cars, motorized vehicles of all types, home appliances, such as mixers, grinders, stoves, TVs, stereos, etc. A puja is done at the inception of your connection to the implement: just before using it or as soon as possible after purchase. When you buy a new car or a home, you do the puja before driving the car or moving into the new house.

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A pooja or dedication ceremony is conducted when the vehicle is offered to God as one understands that we own nothing and that He is the sole proprietor of everything. In the pooja the Divine Mother is invoked and the aspirant seeks her mercy, blessings and protection from all harm.

Shakti and Durga are two words that can be used interchangeably for the mother goddess. Shakti is power that comes from within, while Durga is rooted in the word ‘durg’ which means a ‘fortress’ – which can be built around us, and so refers to power that comes from the outside. In this way the aspirant humbly begs for the Divine Mother Durga to shower her mercy, to bless and also protect one from any harm or injury. May the vehicle which is energy in motion be taken over by the energy of the Mother.


Astroworld South Africa under the leadership of Pujye Pundit Roshan Singh offers services in this regards. The pooja becomes an experience that will be remembered for a lifetime.


Yaa Devi Sarva-Bhutessu Buddhi-Ruupenna Samsthitaa | Namas-Tasyai Namas-Tasyai Namas-Tasyai Namo Namah ||
To that Devi Who in All Beings is Abiding in the Form of Intelligence, Salutations to Her, Salutations to Her, Salutations to Her, Salutations again and again.

Yaa Devi Sarva-Bhutessu Nidra-Ruupenna Samsthitaa |
Namas-Tasyai Namas-Tasyai Namas-Tasyai Namo Namah ||
To that Devi Who in All Beings is Abiding in the Form of Sleep, Salutations to Her, Salutations to Her, Salutations to Her, Salutations again and again.

Yaa Devi Sarva-Bhutessu Kssudhaa-Ruupenna Samsthitaa | Namas-Tasyai Namas-Tasyai Namas-Tasyai Namo Namah ||
To that Devi Who in All Beings is Abiding in the Form of Hunger, Salutations to Her, Salutations to Her, Salutations to Her, Salutations again and again.

Yaa Devi Sarva-Bhutessu Chaayaa-Ruupenna Samsthitaa | Namas-Tasyai Namas-Tasyai Namas-Tasyai Namo Namah ||
To that Devi Who in All Beings is Abiding in the Form of Shadow (of Higher Self), Salutations to Her, Salutations to Her, Salutations to Her, Salutations again and again.

Yaa Devi Sarva-Bhutessu Shakti-Ruupenna Samsthitaa |
Namas-Tasyai Namas-Tasyai Namas-Tasyai Namo Namah ||
To that Devi Who in All Beings is Abiding in the Form of Power, Salutations to Her, Salutations to Her, Salutations to Her, Salutations again and again.

Yaa Devi Sarva-Bhutessu Trshnnaa-Ruupenna Samsthitaa |

Namas-Tasyai Namas-Tasyai Namas-Tasyai Namo Namah ||
To that Devi Who in All Beings is Abiding in the Form of Thirst, Salutations to Her, Salutations to Her, Salutations to Her, Salutations again and again.

Yaa Devi Sarva-Bhutessu Kshaanti-Ruupenna Samsthitaa | Namas-Tasyai Namas-Tasyai Namas-Tasyai Namo Namah ||
To that Devi Who in All Beings is Abiding in the Form of Forbearance, Salutations to Her, Salutations to Her, Salutations to Her, Salutations again and again.

Yaa Devi Sarva-Bhutessu Jaati-Ruupenna Samsthitaa |
Namas-Tasyai Namas-Tasyai Namas-Tasyai Namo Namah ||
To that Devi Who in All Beings is Abiding in the Form of Genus (Original Cause of Everything),
Salutations to Her, Salutations to Her, Salutations to Her, Salutations again and again.

Yaa Devi Sarva-Bhutessu Lajjaa-Ruupenna Samsthitaa |
Namas-Tasyai Namas-Tasyai Namas-Tasyai Namo Namah ||
To that Devi Who in All Beings is Abiding in the Form of Modesty, Salutations to Her, Salutations to Her, Salutations to Her, Salutations again and again.

Yaa Devi Sarva-Bhutessu Shaanti-Ruupenna Samsthitaa | Namas-Tasyai Namas-Tasyai Namas-Tasyai Namo Namah ||
To that Devi Who in All Beings is Abiding in the Form of Peace, Salutations to Her, Salutations to Her, Salutations to Her, Salutations again and again.

Yaa Devi Sarva-Bhutessu Shraddhaa-Ruupenna Samsthitaa | Namas-Tasyai Namas-Tasyai Namas-Tasyai Namo Namah ||
To that Devi Who in All Beings is Abiding in the Form of Faith, Salutations to Her, Salutations to Her, Salutations to Her, Salutations again and again.

Yaa Devii Sarva-Bhutessu Kaanti-Ruupenna Samsthitaa | Namas-Tasyai Namas-Tasyai Namas-Tasyai Namo Namah ||
To that Devi Who in All Beings is Abiding in the Form of Loveliness and Beauty, Salutations to Her, Salutations to Her, Salutations to Her, Salutations again and again.

Yaa Devi Sarva-Bhutessu Lakshmii-Ruupenna Samsthitaa |

Namas-Tasyai Namas-Tasyai Namas-Tasyai Namo Namah ||
To that Devi Who in All Beings is Abiding in the Form of Good Fortune, Salutations to Her, Salutations to Her, Salutations to Her, Salutations again and again.

Yaa Devi Sarva-Bhutessu Vrtti-Ruupenna Samsthitaa |
Namas-Tasyai Namas-Tasyai Namas-Tasyai Namo Namah ||
To that Devi Who in All Beings is Abiding in the Form of Activity, Salutations to Her, Salutations to Her, Salutations to Her, Salutations again and again.

Yaa Devi Sarva-Bhutessu Smrti-Ruupenna Samsthitaa |
Namas-Tasyai Namas-Tasyai Namas-Tasyai Namo Namah ||
To that Devi Who in All Beings is Abiding in the Form of Memory, Salutations to Her, Salutations to Her, Salutations to Her, Salutations again and again.

Yaa Devi Sarva-Bhutessu Dayaa-Ruupenna Samsthitaa |
Namas-Tasyai Namas-Tasyai Namas-Tasyai Namo Namah ||
To that Devi Who in All Beings is Abiding in the Form of Kindness, Salutations to Her, Salutations to Her, Salutations to Her, Salutations again and again.

Yaa Devi Sarva-Bhutessu Tushtti-Ruupenna Samsthitaa | Namas-Tasyai Namas-Tasyai Namas-Tasyai Namo Namah ||
To that Devi Who in All Beings is Abiding in the Form of Contentment, Salutations to Her, Salutations to Her, Salutations to Her, Salutations again and again.

Yaa Devi Sarva-Bhutessu Maatr-Ruupenna Samsthitaa |
Namas-Tasyai Namas-Tasyai Namas-Tasyai Namo Namah ||
To that Devi Who in All Beings is Abiding in the Form of Mother, Salutations to Her, Salutations to Her, Salutations to Her, Salutations again and again.

Yaa Devi Sarva-Bhutessu Bhraanti-Ruupenna Samsthitaa | Namas-Tasyai Namas-Tasyai Namas-Tasyai Namo Namah ||
To that Devi Who in All Beings is Abiding in the Form of Delusion, Salutations to Her, Salutations to Her, Salutations to Her, Salutations again and again.

Indriyaannaam-Adhisstthaatrii Bhutaanaam Ca-Akhilessu |
Yaa Bhuutessu Satatam Tasyai Vyaapti-Devyai Namo Namah || (Salutations) To that Devi Who Governs the Faculty of Senses of Beings in All the Worlds,
Salutations to Her Who is the Devi Who Always Pervades all Beings.

Citi-Ruupenna Yaa Krtsnam-Etad-Vyaapya Sthitaa Jagat | Namas-Tasyai Namas-Tasyai Namas-Tasyai Namo Namah ||
(Salutations to Her) Who in the Form of Consciousness Pervades This Universe and Abides in It,
Salutations to Her, Salutations to Her, Salutations to Her, Salutations again and again.

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