In simple terms, numerology is the study of numbers in your life. You can uncover information about the world and also each individual person by using Numerology. Numerology is seen as a universal language of numbers.

Numerology can look incredibly complex, and there are so many different types of numerology that you may not even know where to start, but if you are familiar with Astrology, then you may know a little bit about Numerology; it is similar in quite a few ways but uses a different method to get the information and insight: Numbers.

Numerology is the idea that the universe is a system and once broken down we are left with the basic elements, which is numbers. These numbers can then be used to help us to better understand the world and ourselves as individuals.

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Numerology is the idea that the universe is a system; once broken down we are left with the basic elements, which is numbers.
By understanding that everything in the world is dependent on, and can equate to numbers, a numerologist can take multiple elements of a person and break them down into meaningful numbers through various methods.

The meaning of numbers can then be used to help us to better understand the world and ourselves as individuals where you can discover insights about your purpose and personality traits by working out things like your life path number, expression number, and heart’s desire number among many others.


Where numerology came from and how it came to be is somewhat of a mystery, like many ancient philosophies. Egypt and Babylon are where the earliest written records of numerology are said to be.

Other evidence shows that numerology was used thousands of years ago in Rome, China, Greece, and Japan.

Modern-day numerology is normally credited to Pythagoras, who was a Greek philosopher. Although it is not known if he invented Numerology, he had some theories behind it, which took numbers to a completely different level. These theories are now the reason behind Pythagoras having the credit for modern-day numerology.

Dr. Julian Stenton was actually the person who came up with the name ‘Numerology’. He also bought recognition and awareness to it in modern-day times. There is not much else known about the whereabouts of Numerology, it has become quite popular in today’s society and is used by many.


How numerology works is actually quite complicated and usually requires a master numerologist to provide detailed and accurate readings. Though you can easily find your life path number and things like your expression, personality, and soul urge numbers using basic calculations, it is the way that these numbers work together that need to be interpreted properly.

The idea behind numerology is that the cosmos and your life is affected by your birth date,

birth name, and many other factors surrounding an individual. In this way, there are great depths that a numerology forecast can provide. Consequently, it can provide often astounding insights about somebody.

It is believed that there are no coincidences in the Universe that your name and birthday affect the journey that you will take and your characteristics, in the same way, that some look at horoscopes or astrology to interpret signs or destinies.


A numerology reading involves a lot of calculations. These calculations can go into many layers of depth with different numbers and combinations of numbers carrying various meanings.

Even a basic reading based on your core numbers can be quite revealing. However, in the same manner, that numbers are infinite, someone’s numerology chart can continue to be read from many perspectives as an ongoing project.

This is a great introduction for beginners, and it is also suited for those who want a deeper reading.
Starting with your name and date of birth, they explain how your free numerology chart will not only tell you about yourself but help to provide direction in your life and wellbeing using a combination of your Life Path Number, Birthday Number, Soul Urge Number, Expression Number, and Personality Number.


In Numerology, your life path number is the most important number. It forms the basis of what path your life could take. Similarly, it should be reflective of who you are, or should be, in your personality and traits. A life path number also outlines any opportunities or challenges you may face, as well as any lessons you may have to learn along the way.


It is calculated by adding up the numbers in your full date of birth.

For example, April 4th 1992, would be 4 + 4 = 8. Then the 1992 is broken down as 1 + 9 + 9 + 2 = 21. Now you add the two digits of 21 together as 2 + 1 = 3.

This is the same with any double-digit numbers which you should keep adding together until you end up with a 1 digit number.

Example: 19 becomes 1 + 9 = 10, then 1 + 0 = 1).

Finally, add the 8 and 3 together for your life path number i.e. 8 + 3 = 11.

Sound complicated? It’s easier than you’d think.

Once you have determined your life plan number, you can then see what it says about you and your life. And it is surprising how accurate just knowing the general traits of your life path number can be to an individual. This is why many go on to find out more about themselves with more in-depth readings.

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